Overall, Mond skin is minimalistic, light and does not hog your computer resources in the background. You can get the plugin from the link mentioned below. However, keep in mind, the Spotify integration does not work out of the box so you will have to install a separate plugin. On top of that, the Mond skin is very customizable and allows you to add multiple widgets on the desktop. The wallpaper I am using is from Reddit and it’s named Neon Gas Station ( check it out). Mond is my favorite Rainmeter skin solely because of how well it goes with the wallpaper. Here are absolutely beautiful Rainmeter skins that you should check out. If you too use Rainmeter to get that granular customization on your Windows PC. It’s compatible with all Windows versions, from XP to Windows 10 it should also work fine with Windows 11, as we tested in our separate tutorial on making Windows look like macOS. It goes without saying, in order to use these skins, you need to have Rainmeter ( download) installed on your Windows PC. It can be used to display a truckload of extra information (clock, network statistics, processor usage) on the desktop, which itself can be tweaked in unimaginable ways, thanks to the countless skins available for the same. 3840x3396 3840x3396 the amazing spider man 4k pc wallpaper free download HD Gallery HD Wallpaper" data-type="undefined" target="_blank">.
2880x1800 The Amazing Spider Man 2 Wallpaper" data-type="undefined" target="_blank">. Rainmeter is a free desktop customization program that lets you completely transform the way your desktop looks. 7680x4320 The Amazing Spiderman 8k 8k HD 4k Wallpaper, Image, Background, Photo and Picture" data-type="undefined" target="_blank">.